


How cool is this? These bikes are from Finland, and it looks like there are several outlets in the U.S. where you can purchase one.

There are four styles of kick bikes:

1. The Cruiser - $289 (comes with a basket!!)
2. The Sport Classic - $219
3. The Millennium Racer - $349
4. The X Country - $389

Of course, my favorite is the X Country :)

To find a dealer near you:


Information - It Does a Body Good

Two blogs in one day.... hm. It is just that type of day for me.

Here are two blog sites that I have come across and now read daily. I find the information in them very informative. You might too.

Check them out:

Beyond Blueberries


The Heart Scan Blog

Red Pill or Blue Pill?

No, this isn't a blog about Viagra. While that may be the "little blue pill", it's not the one I am referring to. The idea of the blue pill vs the red pill is from the movie "The Matrix" released in 1999. As Morpheus put it:
You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill . . . and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
I have seen The Matrix about a thousand times and every time I see it, I realize something else about it that I had missed the many times before. It's a movie that makes me think, and a movie that, oddly, makes a ton of sense to me.

Somewhere along the way, I started taking tiny bits of red pill. I've become skeptical of many things, including the medical profession, government, the food industry, and how they all tie together. I feel like if I don't spend a lot of time reading and researching everything I see or read, then I might be getting the wool pulled over my eyes.

I have been doing some major reading lately on food, nutrition, organic farming, FDA... things of that nature. It's amazing what "they" can get people to believe - and how easily they can do it.

I have been listening to talk radio and while I understand that these radio personalities are also getting a paycheck, I also hear what they are saying and what they are not.

I know this post is incredibly vague - I am still trying to work it out in my own mind.