
More and More on Michael Pollan - why I like him.

I'm putting links to some REALLY good interviews with Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food (which I recommended months ago).

Very short...
Michael Pollan on Day to Day, Nov 27, 2003 (6 minutes)
Michael Pollan on Morning Edition, Jan 1, 2008 (6 minutes)
Michael Pollan on NPR on Day to Day, April 24, 2008 (4 minutes long)

Get a little more...
Micael Pollan on The Bryant Park Project from NPR news, Jan 8, 2008 (19 minutes)

Get the full story!!!
Michael Pollan on Fresh Air with Terry Gross, Oct 20, 2008 (40 minutes)

Michael Pollan on Talk of the Nation, Dec 24, 2008 (30 minutes)

Life Expectancy Calculator

I was listening to NPR one day and they had a doctor on (Dr. Thomas Perls) talking about how to live to be 100 years old...

My "calculated age" with my current habits and lifestyle is 90 years. It also gives tips on what you can do, based on your answers, to add years to your life. In addition to the obvious - lower your bad cholesterol, etc, it gives you ones you may not have thought of, such as "Floss your teeth." Weird, right? Here's the reason:
  • There is a clear link between the inflammation of gum disease and heart disease. Do a good job of flossing daily and you could add a year to your life expectancy.


An Unexpected Experiment

Ugh... will the sugar cookies, brownies, candies and all other holiday goodies please go away?!?!?

good Pictures, Images and Photos

What is wrong with me, you ask? Well, any of you that have talked to me in the last few months or so know that I have been working to phase out certain foods in my life. Processed foods, foods that have "stuff" in them, no fast food, organic when possible, etc. I have been working at this for a while and it wasn't until recently that I had some validation for my efforts.

I was at work, heating up my lunch (that I made at home with REAL food) and two co-workers were also heating their food but both of them were complaining about how awful and tired they felt. I should say that for months I have been noticing what other people eat - not because I am curious, but because it is so noticeable now. How do I explain... it's like I didn't notice until I was no longer doing the same thing. Does that make sense?

Anyway, they were going on about how they felt and then one lady looked at me and said, "You don't look tired at all." And, I wasn't. I have been feeling great... until about 2 weeks ago when all the Christmas goodies started rolling in... then we ate not so good at home... and I could tell.

I have been tired and just "blah" all this week and I think my eating habits are directly to blame. So GO AWAY holiday goodies. I want to go back to proving to myself that what I am doing is doing my body good!!!