
Garden Update - 13 days In...

Well, only 13 days into my new garden and here is what we have so far. The radishes continue to come up... you can see they have red stems now. My worry is having to thin them. I'm not sure I'll know how to tell what I'm pulling. But for now, they're looking good!

This is the onion row. Looks like grass, but I'm pretty sure it's not!

Here are the carrots.

This is what the garden looks like. Still very exciting! The celery hasn't shown us anything yet, but it's one of two that take the longest to get going. Our cauliflower also has small greens coming out, and even a couple on the lettuce row. Our sunflowers also have broken ground and hopefully I'll get some good pictures of those soon as well!


What's That I Spy with My Little Eye?

Do you see what I see? Third row over.... it's the radishes. :)


Le Garden

Day one of our garden adventure:

A few days later, we had most of the grass dug up and were finishing up the weeding.

After we got what we could of the weeds, we then dug up and turned as much of the existing soil as we could. I was surprised to find worms in it. :)

Rob built a garden box and we filled it with compost mulch and garden soil. The half circle area will be grass again once it grows through the new layer of dirt we put on it.

Rob, doing some watering.

Here is our finished garden. The food we are starting with are carrots, radishes, onions, celery, cauliflower, lettuce, and sunflowers. After this season, we will continue to grow carrots, radishes, and onions, but change the others to potatoes, watermelon, squash, and tomatoes. I would also like to find room for peas, beans, cucumbers, zucchini and squash.

We'll keep you posted with any activity. I'm anxiously awaiting the first glimpse of anything growing. As long as it's not grass. Or a weed. THAT would be disappointing. :) According to my Maricopa County Garden Planting Calendar, I should see radishes and lettuce by late November, with the carrots and onions following close behind. By the first month or two of 2009, we should have our celery and cauliflower.

Stay tuned...