by Elinor Lipman
This book was cute. It appealed to my sarcastic sense of humor, as well as to my... not love of drama, or love of the rumor mill... we'll call it "sense of adventure." The story centers on Frederica, a child who was born and raised on a college campus by her very open, honest, sometimes too honest, union loving, rally attending parents who are house parents in one of the college dorm houses. As Frederica wishes for “normal” parents who don’t do things like make her Barbie’s anatomically correct, in walks a woman from her father’s past who makes puts a much needed “kink” in Frederica’s life.
I enjoyed this book - if I had to complain about anything, it would be that Elinor Lipman kept it just slightly this side tame, and could have taken it one step further in the sarcastic department. But, overall, I liked this book.